Welcome to our Coast Salish First Nations Art Webpage!

Welcome to our Coast Salish website for native crafts.

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Shown here are native carvings, Cowichan Sweaters and beading. Before the arrival of the Europeans, the Coast Salish had an oral culture with nothing written down. They used totems to record family histories.
Carved masks were used in many ceremonies, relaying the many stories that were handed down. Ceremonial bowls, spoons and drums were also used. Along with the arrival of the europeans was the knowledge of knitting.
Masks portayed anything from a wild woman mask, to masks that were handed down for generations. Animals portrayed played an important role in the stories handed down. As with the Cowichan people have the thunderbird and killerwhale that represents their stories and their area.
Please feel free to browse First Nations Art and learn about some of Lambert Goldsmith's artwork!